Thursday, 30 April 2015

From a teenager in London...

Would it surprise you to hear about someone, who is alone in a cell for 23 hours a day and waiting for an execution date, to be so positive? Recently, I read a blog about Quintin Jones where he was asked a number of questions; his answers made him seem like such a warm-hearted and real person - one I'd like to be friends with personally.

Reading this blog just reminded me of those in my life who are just so miserable for the smallest things ever like, "OMG, my life's over because so and so isn't talking to me" or "I'm going to die of hunger if I have to wait in this lunch queue any longer" or "I'd rather die than revise for this exam!" Like literally, I feel like shaking them and enlightening them on the fact that they really wouldn't like to be isolated, waiting on news of their death... but I probably wouldn't say it. Why? Because I'm not confrontational and I wouldn't see the point, since they'd only give me pathetic excuses in return.

Many people like the idea of Death Row being back and the idea of 'an eye for an eye'; it really makes me think about how killing someone is the 'right thing' to do - it's giving convicts the easy way out. Harry Roberts, who shot three police officers, did 48 years and spent most of his life paying for his crime. Now that he's out he's a different person and being his age, he certainly won't do society any harm. He's done his time; he deserves to live at least the last years of his life as they're meant to be. I really agree with Mahatma Ghandi and think that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

Justice is a very strong ideal and I know that I'd probably be more hesitant on forgiving and forgetting if one of my own was hurt. It's hard to imagine how I'd react if someone in my family died and my immediate reaction would probably be Death Row. It would be hard to think about forgiving someone who had taken away someone who's so close to me. Since teenagers are usually hypocritical, I'm here to prove it - I would probably forgive someone if they hurt my family but they'd need a sentence long enough to repent.

We all need to realize that by killing a murderer, no lives are being saved or returned, and no one learns a lesson from execution. It is only revenge, which isn't going to help anyone. The government have a role to protect society and they definitely weren't given a promotion to taking the role of God - thinking they can decide when to take another human's life. There is no real evidence that proves Capital Punishment is a deterrent; the statistics actually indicate the opposite.

It's hard to imagine writing anything to someone on Death Row; it's even harder to imagine what I'd write to Quintin Jones if it was the last letter he'd read before his execution - especially since he's already so positive and good at making others feel better... what could I possibly say to make him feel better? "Oh, it will be fine soon enough..." because soon enough he'll be killed. If his death is final, his thoughts would probably be on heaven or hell and for someone as positive, kind and as thoughtful as him - I'd tell him that he will be reunited with God.

I think that Capital Punishment is a very cruel, violent and inhumane way to punish someone. I think it is a horrific action that cannot be justified. It's definitely not giving the people, who have done wrong, a chance to reform and it is an irreversible act that could backfire; therefore it should be abolished in all countries.

By Sharaniya, 15.  


  1. I Have read the first paragraph and i like the writer personally, I Like the way you think& Tell the truth , Real, Personally: I used to think the USA system was a great system????? O how dumb on hindsight, Taking someones life , yes for certain crimes we are all aware what the death sentence should be used for, This man is going to do his time for his crime , and he still has time to be positive,, Wow , I know that jail sentence, My Loved 1 will get out , What gets me recoiling in horror , is serving the 30odd years first then getting killed, How cruel , It is so so wrong on so many levels , who is any one to judge like this , Do not get me wrong???!!! We need a system, Not this , So wrong so sad . Horrific totally, Evil....

    1. Totally agree and I'm glad you get where I'm coming from

  2. So true Karen. Thanks for sharing your views; you're right the 30 odd years and then execution !? (Crazy). I'll let Sharaniya get back to you personally.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well done Sharanya!!! This piece of writing was very inspirational and touching and I am 100% against the death penalty. I totally agree that the death penalty is not the right way to deal with crimes, but instead people should help the criminals reform and learn from their mistakes.

    2. Well done Sharanya!!! This piece of writing was very inspirational and touching and I am 100% against the death penalty. I totally agree that the death penalty is not the right way to deal with crimes, but instead people should help the criminals reform and learn from their mistakes.

    3. Well done Sharanya!!! This piece of writing was very inspirational and touching and I am 100% against the death penalty. I totally agree that the death penalty is not the right way to deal with crimes, but instead people should help the criminals reform and learn from their mistakes.

  4. I completely Agree ... and actually I have just received a 7 page letter from this man. Right away I can see him for him. And he is very warm and honest.Are any of us the same person we were 30 yrs ago? It was not entirely his fault. He was sent out into the world on his own before his teens and the hurt made him turn to drugs.It was the drugs and alcohol that made him turn into that person who murdered his own aunt. Who was loving and caring and I can't imagine how he felt after he got clean and realized what he had really done.I believe he should have to pay for his actions but not death and not a life time ...he was young and there are many ppl getting less sxentences for taking a life when it was planned and they didn't even have that same upbringing.He had no one to guide him and it just seems everything goes down hill for him from such a young age.God tells us not to judge and that only he should judge. Yet the courts think that they can judge and take the life.The court's job is to find out who is guilty and to get someone who could harm another person away from society. Not kill.And to be locked up and the time they have to reflect and change and grow or grow up ...really does happen. Some do learn their lesson and I believe should be let back out into society. I do realize this is a hard thing to do ...cuz who is telling the truth or just acting like they are reformed.I really think this man is an after being off drugs and alcohol for this long and spending that much time in a tiny one man cell with no human contact other then with the guards that he wouldn't want to mess up and go down that same path only to end up back there .........these are just my thoughts and now I have to go write a beautiful letter back to him and help him feel the outside world and like someone does care so he stands at his sell to receive a letter.
